Saturday, October 2, 2010

A new member in Silver Zero Subs "JEFRUIZU "

JefRuizu é o novo membro de Silver Zero Subs.
É ele que arranja os Raws das series para as podermos legendar.
Sem ele nunca teríamos começado este projecto, pois foi ele que nos arranjou também as Raws de "Akage no Anne" e "Alps no Shoujo Heidi"
Bem-vindo à equipa.
JefRuizu is the newest member of Silver Zero Subs.
he's the one who finds the Raws of the series for us. 
Without him, we would never have started this project, because he was also the one who provided us the raws of "Akage no Anne" and "Alps no Shoujo Heidi"
Welcome to the team.

1 comment:

  1. Agradeço de coração pelo convite para entrar na equipa "Silver Zero", Cyber Zero e Silver Dragoon.^^ Darei o meu melhor para prover as RAWS para o sub.^^
    Já tenho quase todas as RAWs das séries de anime "World Masterpiece Theater". então nosso sub terá RAWs por muuuuito tempo. ^^

    Thank you very much for the invite to enter in the "Silver Zero" team, Cyber Zero and Silver Dragoon.^^ I do my best for to provide the RAWs to the sub.^^
    I have almost all the RAWs of the "World Masterpiece Theater" anime series. Then our sub have RAWs for a loooong time.^^
