Saturday, July 30, 2011

News, recruitment, and Japanese translator

Hi everyone. 
We didn't release anything since our latest release because me and Silver Dragoon went on vacation and we couldn't sub there without a PC. We will release something soon. We know it's frustrating to wait so much for a new episode of a series you love (the same is happening to me with "Before Green Gables". 
Well, I have some news. Thanks to the user "Jayson" we found a Japanese translator for "Flanders no Inu". We will release the three episodes we already made with his translation soon. I just have to send them to our member "WATCHING SKY" for him to see if there are some errors in some words. He is our "quality Checker" for the English version. 
By the way, our Japanese translator for "Flanders no Inu" it's called "Moho Kareshi". 
So please give him your Welcome. 
Moho Kareshi said that maybe he will help also with the translation of Heidi, but if any one of you know Japanese and would like to help us to translate Heidi or Akage no Anne, please contact us. 

Since we now have a Japanese translator for "Flanders no Inu" we want to recruit people that knows how to do the "timer" for subs to help us with that serie.
That way "Flanders no Inu" will be realeased faster, and "Alps no Shoujo Heidi" and "Akage no Anne" will be realeased faster too, because with more people helping us with the timer of "Flanders no inu" we can also spend more time with the other series.

We received some mails asking us why are we subbing "Akage no Anne" and "Flanders no Inu" because there are already subbed versions of those too.
Well, Akage no Anne and Flanders no Inu are two of our favorite series, so we want Flanders no Inu with some decent subs instead of those from Korea dvd's with the timers all wrong, and we want a Akage no Anne with a better video quality.
but the main reason its also because we (Cyber Zero and Silver Dragoon) are also subbing in Portuguese, our language.

We also received some mails asking us if we could translate in German, French and some other languages.
If someone is interested in having these series in other languages, contact me.
I will send you ours subs and you would have just to translate them to your languages.
Then sends back and we will post them on our site and add you to our team, of course.

Another thing. Some people would prefer us to release the series in torrent.
I don't know how to create a torrent, nor I have my PC always on to share the torrents, because I rarely am home. So if someone its interested to join our team to create the torrents and to seed them, please contact us.
So we want to recruit people  for:

Japanese translator for "Alps no Shoujo Heidi"

Japanese translator for "Akage no Anne"

Timers for "Flanders no Inu"

Translator from English or Portuguese to any other languages, for "Akage no Anne", "Alps no Shoujo Heidi" and "Flanders no Inu".

Someone to create the torrent versions and to seed them.

We may be slow, but we won't drop any of these series till they are done.
So rest assured.

Olá pessoal.
Nós ainda lançámos nada desde o último episódio de "flanders no inu" porque eu e o Silver Dragoon fomos de férias e não tínhamos computador para legendar.
Em breve iremos lançar alguma coisa.
Finalmente encontrámos um tradutor japonês para traduzir o "flanders no Inu" e em breve iremos relançar os três episódios com a sua tradução.
O nosso tradutor Japonês para legendar o "Fanders no Inu" chama-se "Moho Kareshi"
Por favor dêem-lhe as boas vindas.

Moho Kareshi disse que talvez no futuro nos ajude a traduzir a Heidi, mas se alguém souber Japonês e nos quiser ajudar a traduzir a Heidi ou a Anne, por favor contacte-nos.

Agora que temos um tradutor Japonês para traduzir "flanders no Inu" queremos recrutar pessoal que saiba fazer o timer para nos ajudar com a serie.
Assim não só lançaremos os episódios de "Falnders no Inu" mais depressa, como também teremos mais tempos para legendar "Alps no Shoujo Heidi" e "Akage no Anne".

Enviaram-nos emails a pedirem-nos para lançarmos a serie por torrente. Eu não sei criar torrentes e como raramente estou em casa, o meu PC está quase sempre desligado, por isso também não posso ajudar muito com as "seeds". Por isso se alguém souber criar torrentes e estiver disposto a ajudar com as seeds por favor contacte-nos.

Queremos recrutar pessoal para:

Tradutor Japonês para "Akage no Anne"

Tradutor Japonê para "Alps no Shoujo Heidi"

Timers para "Falnders no Inu"

Alguém para criar os torrentes e ajudar com as "seeds"

Nós somos lentos, mas nunca iremos dropar nenhuma destas series.
Estejam descansados


  1. Olá Cyber e Silver! Como estão?

    Dou boas vindas ao Moho Kareshi, seja muito benvindo ao Silver zero subs!^^

    Gostaria de saber se o Moho fala inglês ou português. Caso ele fale português, podemos conversar e até colaborar juntos na tradução de Flanders no Inu, caso ele precise de alguma ajuda.
    Estou de férias nos estudos aqui no Brasil. Pelo menos durante pelo menos duas ou três semanas eu tenho um tempo livre para colaborar um pouco mais com o fansub.

    E cyber, estou de seed naquele torrent do anime WMT em raw que me pediste. Estás a sacá-lo?

    Um grande abraço a todos!^^

  2. Super :) finally then. It would be great if he helped sub Heidi u until someone else joins the team since its one which has no english subs at all.

    Keep up the good work.

  3. Olá JefRuizu,tudo bem?
    Infelizmente ele só fala Inglês.
    Sim, estou a sacar a raw que pedi. Muito obrigado mesmo.
    Quando acabar de sacar aviso, está bem?

  4. I'm so glad you guys found a translator. And yes, I've gotten sick of waiting for ray=out's subs (mainly because when I re-size them the encoding becomes kinda bad) so I've went for ARR's instead. Good luck, Silver Zero! And yes, I love Anne and Dog of Flanders too, so keep up the good work and don't give up! I believe in you!

  5. Ok, Cyber^^

    Caso precise de mais algum anime WMT em RAW, só me pedir^^

  6. I wouldn't mind watching ARR's Before Green Gables release except that the videos aren't in HD. Once you watch it in HD, you can't go back to SD.

  7. When will we get the next Heidi episode? It has been a long time. Can't wait for it. :)

  8. I know, and we are sorry.
    Just wait more 2 or 3 days.
